The Petitcodiac River system / Shepody Bay Estuary is an approximately 3000 km2 watershed situated at the headwaters of the Inner Bay of Fundy and is severely impacted by tidal barriers and dams of all types. Field assessments conducted by Environment Canada (Wells, 1999), the Conservation Council of New Brunswick and the Petitcodiac Riverkeeper suggest that over 90% of the watershed is affected by barriers causing partial or 100% obstructions to fish passage. Here is a summary of the barriers affecting virtually 100% fish passage in this watershed:
- Petitcodiac causeway: 1340 km2 affected
- Mill Creek abandoned dam: 50 km2 affected
- Humphreys Brook abandoned dam: 38 km2 affected (Removed in 2013)
- Memramcook causeway: 400 km2 affected
- Shepody causeway: 550 km2 affected
- Jonathan Creek / Jones Lake dam: 60 km2 affected
- McLaughlin and Irishtown Reservoirs: 34 km2 affected
- Babineau Creek: 12 km2 affected
- Fox Creek: 34 km2 affected
- Palmers Creek: 40 km2 affected
- Breau Creek: 60 km2 affected
- Plus other smaller tributaries of the Petitcodiac affected.
In nearby Inner Bay of Fundy watersheds, the Aulac River (30 km2) and the Tantramar River (300 km2) are other 100% affected rivers contributing to the decline of the Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon species.