Sewage is one of the largest sources of pollution by volume in Canada. Federal and provincial governments are responsible for enforcing rules to prevent sewage pollution, while municipal governments and sewage commissions are responsible for ensuring that our region has the best sewage treatment available.

Potential Impacts
Scientific research has identified several environmental and health impacts resulting from insufficient sewage treatment such as negative impacts on fish and wildlife populations, depletion of dissolved oxygen, restrictions on recreational water use and fishing, and restrictions on drinking water consumption.
Secondary Treatment or Better is the International Standard
While some cities in Canada still discharge raw sewage directly into waterways, Environment Canada points out that about 78% of Canadians on sewer systems are serviced by secondary treatment or better. Only about 19% are serviced by primary treatment, similar to the Greater Moncton facility.
The Government of Canada, the Government of New Brunswick and TransAqua are currently supporting a Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade and Modernization Project, which involves upgrading the existing advanced chemically assisted primary treatment process to that of a secondary level wastewater treatment system.
These improvements will allow TransAqua (Greater Moncton Wastewater Commission) to comply with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and the Fisheries Act by the end of 2020 to greatly enhance the protection of the Petitcodiac River with a goal for the effluent to meet the Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality.
Moreover, the project will ensure public health and safety, stabilize the wastewater treatment rate and stimulate the economy through ongoing and post-construction service industry work.
What can I do?
1) Become a member or make a donation to support Petitcodiac Riverkeeper!
2) Don’t flush inappropriate materials down the toilet, such as medications or toxic substances!
3) Contact Petitcodiac Riverkeeper immediately if you see a sewage spill or overflow!