Our River

The Petitcodiac River, which flows into Shepody Bay, drains a 3,000 km2 watershed area situated at the far reaches of the Inner Bay of Fundy. It is the source of life of the most important ecosystem in southeastern New Brunswick. The Mi’gmaq named the river Pet-kout-koy-ek, meaning ‘the river that bends like a bow’, An important historic transportation route, the Petitcodiac River and the Shepody Bay Estuary are important tidal systems influenced by the phenomenal Bay of Fundy tides (from 9 m to 14 m), uncovering kilometres of mudflats at low tide and nourishing some of the world’s greatest estuaries. Shepody Bay is home to a unique hemispheric shorebird refuge and the feeding grounds of the entire East Coast American shad fish population.

Learn more here about the amazing Petitcodiac River here:


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