MONCTON, NEW BRUNSWICK – MONDAY JUNE 15, 2015 – With spring well underway, many sea-run fish species are entering the Petitcodiac River for spawning or rearing purposes.ThePetitcodiac Fish Recovery Coalition has set up its live fish trap and is ready to collect another season of data in order to monitor how well different fish species are faring. The coalition says it is pleased with the data its trapping efforts have generated for the past 5 years since the opening of the causeway gates in 2010. The data indicate that the health of the river’s ecosystem is improving.
“Many fish populations continue to be headed in desired directions following the opening of the causeway gates,” explains Edmund Redfield, who oversees the coalition’s fish trap operations and research. “Many native species populations that we hoped would increase are indeed doing so, some far more than expected, while the numbers of non-native invasive species are declining.”