Text: Mario Cyr
Photos: Edmund Redfield and Mario Cyr
Graphics: Edmund Redfield
Petitcodiac Riverkeeper continues to work on the second phase of the Humphreys Brook restoration project this fall (2014) by removing large debris, planting native trees and constructing biotechnical slope stabilization structures. (To learn more about our Humphreys Brook restoration project, please read this blog post: Our vision for Humphreys Brook –a healthy habitat for all fish animals, and people to enjoy in the urban center of Moncton.)

Photo 1: Removing large metal debris from the banks of Humphreys Brook with heavy equipment provided by Tri-Province Enterprises.
The site selected for restoration work in this third year of the project follows the brook for 200 meters. The site is located where the brook enters an affected industrial area further upstream from the old dam which was dismantled. (See section in red in Figure 1, below.)

Figure 1: Location of the restoration site along Humphreys Brook (Fall 2014).
Approximately 700 trees (native species) will be planted in an area that covers 7,000 square meters. (See Figure 2: Plantation map.)

Figure 2: Plantation map.
Once Phase II is completed, Tri-Province Enterprises will have contributed $25,000 towards cleaning and reforestation work for the Humphreys Brook restoration project.

Photo 2: Petitcodiac Riverkeeper President Paul N. Belliveau receives the fourth $5,000 cheque from Tri-Province Enterprise owners Mark Nowlan and Bruce Nowlan. A fifth cheque will be given to Petitcodiac Riverkeeper once all work is completed.
Petitcodiac Rivekeeper would like to thank the financial partners that have continue to support us in Phase II of our Humphreys Brook restoration project: Fisheries and Oceans Canada as well as Tri-Province Enterprises.